Space Problem v1 is out!

It's been nine months since the last GBJam where SpaceProblem existed as a mere sketch. Since then I've made it into a fully functional game, as well as cleaning up some bugs and making it compatible with the greyscale Nintendo consoles like the DMG and the pocket.

The game takes place in space, where you work as a delivery pilot delivering from the space station oribiting the moon. THINGS appear there and people want them. You fly out to the space station which is a big series of interconnected rooms. Your spaceship computer gives you directions to find the THING, then you must get to the THING with your limited air and make it back to your ship. Eventually when you have enough THINGS you bring them back home, only to be asked to fetch more THINGS! The loop begins again.

The game is free to play on itch and the ROMs for .pocket and .gb are for sale. I intend to make new feature releases as the game reaches funding thresholds.

All the best!


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